Join us on our mission to provide

Premium validating and IBC relaying services.


Operated by tech-savvy supporters, we aim to provide the best possible experience for our users.
We have already gained experience separately during testnet and crossfire of the Chain and now we have united to combine our skills and give all CRO holders the opportunity to be part of the network and have access to the chain rewards. In addition, we have decided to offer our service outside the Cronos POS Chain network. Please refer to the validator section on this page for further details.


Running a validator is not free. We are convinced that an excellent service should also entail a fee.

We offer:

low fees on your stake to maximize your return

exclusive giveaways and promotions

high uptime with signature rate of >99,9%

any changes announced to our community

We are not in favor of increasing self-delegation to show our own delegation.
We prefer to support our validators by external wallets.


We focus on first-class service.

green electricity

dedicated servers in high-availability data centers

redundant power, network and cooling

24/7 monitoring

SSH with public key authentication

whitelistening IPs


  • Operator address: crocncl10leq9pzrgecla7kskar59zw04atft5ehwtkafz
  • Online since block 3287722
  • Current fee: 5.00%
  • Uptime: >99.9%
  • Operator address: crocncl1l5uvf66ry4a6jvdt4y695sc5d6dfld369p640f
  • Online since block 2899105
  • Current fee: 5.00%
  • Uptime: >99.9%
  • Operator address: crocncl16mfms4pnyrx9uzal2ulh367cudsep48wcm7fgq
  • Online since block 3529675
  • Current fee: 5.00%
  • Uptime: >99.9%
  • Network: STRIDE-1
  • Operator address: stridevaloper1qcduesnr70z2mdf6nqpxxlwtzvqtqhnzm5ace2
  • Online since block 3529675
  • Current fee: 5.00%
  • Uptime: >99.9%

IBC Relayers

We run IBC relayers from and to the following chains:


Staking means you lock up cryptocurrency in a smart contract. Once you successfully locked it up, you automatically take part in the voting process to approve transactions through our validators. In exchange for approving valid transactions, the network rewards you with a so-called staking reward.

As running the validator nodes incurs hosting infrastructure cost, we take a small percentage of your reward. Please refer to the single validator for the actual fee applied, which might be much lower.

Staking cryptocurrencies is an efficient way to earn passive income while participating in the world of digital currencies. Staking is much easier than mining or trying to time potential airdrops to accrue coins.
We only accept delegations, which were made from non-custodial wallets. This means we have no control over your assets.
If a validator operates in misbehavior, part of all delegated tokens can be slashed, which means destroyed. Therefore, you should choose a validator which you trust.

There is no lock period but an unbonding period. Now the unbonding period is 28 days for Chain and 14 days for Evmos.
This is a security measure on the network.